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5 Ways to Increase Dispensary Sales with Email Receipts

4 minutes reading time (855 words)

When someone makes a purchase in your dispensary, do they receive a receipt in your store or via email? Bottom-line, if you’re not asking every customer if they’d like an emailed receipt and encouraging them to choose email over paper receipts, then you’re missing a big opportunity to increase sales.

Email receipts provide a way for you to continue communicating with customers after they leave your dispensary. Not only can you use email to send sales messages, but you can also leverage email marketing to build customer relationships, brand loyalty, and word-of-mouth marketing.

In other words, without email receipts, you’re missing out on repeat sales from current customers and new sales from first-time customers. Following are five ways you can boost sales by sending email receipts:

1. Recommend Related Products

Many customers are creatures of habit, but when you present them with more products that they might be interested in, they’re more likely to buy something new or different. They just need to be made aware of what other options are available.

Therefore, include a message in your email receipts that says, “You might also like,” or “Don’t forget,” along with pictures, descriptions, and links to other products that naturally go with the item or items the customer purchased. This can be very easy to set up and automate if your point-of-sale platform and email marketing tool are integrated.

2. Offer a Referral Bonus

You can generate a lot of customer referrals through email receipt messages. For example, add copy to every email receipt that offers a special discount, freebie, or another type of bonus if they refer a new customer to your business who completes a specific action within a specified amount of time.

The action could be making a purchase, attending an in-store event, signing up for your email newsletter, and so on. The goal is to attract new customers or highly-qualified prospects by asking your current customers for help.

3. Include a Time Sensitive Discount

A more aggressive approach than simply recommending related products in your email receipts is to offer discounts that expire quickly. This creates a sense of urgency, so customers will buy from you again sooner rather than later.

The expiration timing for the offer depends on the type of product the customer buys from you, and of course, buying frequency could be affected by regulations in some states.

4. Give a Loyalty Reward

Using data from your point-of-sale system, identify repeat customers and include a loyalty reward in their email receipts. Not only do customers like being acknowledged for their loyalty, but also, they’re likely to prefer receiving an emailed receipt with a personalized offer than a generic transactional receipt.

People who make multiple purchases at your dispensary are more likely to buy again and tell other people about their experience. Keep them happy by recognizing them as VIP customers!

5. Ask Customers to Share via Social Media and Get a Discount

If customers are happy about their purchases, they might want to tell other people about their experiences at your dispensary. We live in a world of influencers today, so it makes sense to make user-generated content work for you! With that in mind, make it as easy as possible for your customers to share their experiences directly from your email receipts by including social sharing buttons in every receipt.

To further motivate customers to post content about your business, you can offer a discount on a future purchase if they share their experience on specific social media platforms that you choose. There are many tools available to help you create social media promotions, such as Woobox, Pagemodo, and ShortStack to name just a few.

Key Takeaways about Boosting Sales with Email Receipts

The key is to remember that every email receipt you send is a sales opportunity. Don’t let your chance to build loyalty and boost repeat purchases get away! Instead, start testing different tactics in your email receipts, and track the results to see what works. Clicks on offer links in your email receipts provide crucial information about whether those offers are of interest to your customers.

You can also use your web analytics tool and your point-of-sale platform to track what customers do after they click on the offer links in your email receipts. Use this data to determine what messages and offers are most effective. It won’t take long to see your email receipts driving additional sales.

Don’t forget to continue communicating with customers via email after they receive an email receipt from your dispensary. Include customers in your email newsletter list, send special offers as they’re available, and send useful, educational content.

The trick to be successful with email marketing is to send customers content that is meaningful and relevant to them. This means you can’t just send promotional messages. Instead, you need to make an effort to engage, educate, and/or entertain. In email marketing, this is referred to as the three Es. Start with an email receipt, and then build a relationship with each customer by delivering email messages they actually want to receive.

(Originally posted by Susan Gunelius)


© Cannabis Business Executive

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