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Cannabis found to impact fertility in two generations of mice

1 minute reading time (253 words)

The study cites past publications that have suggested similar implications for human users.

A recent study published by Washington State University revealed that male mice exposed to cannabis vapor experienced negative impacts on their sperm counts and motility.
The peer-reviewed study was the first to utilize cannabis in a vaporized form rather than injecting mice with THC, the main psychoactive compound in cannabis, directly. Vaporized cannabis is also one of the most common forms of the plant that humans consume, and the study cites past publications that have suggested similar implications for human cannabis users.
Thirty adult male mice were divided into two groups of 15, the control group being exposed to clean air and the experimental group being exposed to vaporized cannabis three times a day for ten days. The mice were then bred with females that had not been exposed to any drug. The male offspring were then bred to produce a third generation of ‘grandsons’ to examine if effects of cannabis exposure would present in them as well.
Tissue sampling and imaging demonstrated that the initial group of mice exposed to cannabis vapor had decreased sperm motility directly following exposure and lowered sperm counts one month later. The group’s male offspring showed similar results as well as “evidence of DNA damage and disruption related to sperm cell development.” [Read More @ The Jerusalem Post]

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