At the same time Governor Ron DeSantis has come out against a constitutional amendment to legalize marijuana in Florida, he is likely to throw an unexpected lifeline to the hemp industry by vetoing a bill that would regulate and limit the sale of cannabis products such as Delta 9, according to four sources familiar with the discussions inside the governor’s office.
If signed into law, Senate Bill 1698 would restrict the sale of THC products, such as Delta 9. It would also prohibit the manufacturing and sale of the increasingly popular and more potent products containing Delta 8 and Delta 10. Hemp supporters have said that if the bill became law, it would decimate the hemp industry, throw thousands of people out of work, and cost the state billions in revenue.
By vetoing the bill, and thereby keeping the hemp industry alive in Florida, DeSantis would be adopting a strategy akin to “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” According to those familiar with his thinking, DeSantis is counting on the hemp industry to finance the campaign against Amendment 3, which would legalize recreational marijuana for anyone 21 and older.
“It’s been flying under the radar, but he’s going to veto,” said one official, who like others interviewed for this story requested that their name not be used for fear of angering the governor. “The marijuana people are furious, and they are scrambling.” [Read More @ CBS News]