By MjInvest Editor in Chief on Wednesday, 01 December 2021
Category: Cannabis Business Executive

Florida voters could see legalizing recreational marijuana on the ballot again in 2022

An activist group is working to add a measure to legalize recreational marijuana use on Florida’s 2022 Florida general election ballot.

Regulate Florida, the group working to add the proposal to the ballot, must obtain over 223,000 signatures to obtain Supreme Court review and another 890,000 valid signatures by January.

Michael Minardi, a lawyer for Regulate Florida, said the group is seeing a great return from mailers and is still in the process of sorting and counting the signatures.

Trulieve, a statewide cannabis dispensary with two locations in Gainesville, is also working to collect signatures for Regulate Florida.

“We are working diligently trying to get there, and hopefully we will make it, but I can’t really guarantee that at this point,” Minardi said. “Hopefully, with the people that we have on the ground and what’s going on throughout the state with all the stores, we will get there.”

Minardi said he believes the measure will pass in 2022 if the group is successful in getting the proposal on the ballot.

“I think the people of the state of Florida support legalization,” Minardi said. “Nationwide throughout the country, it is getting passed more and more in states everywhere, and the national trend is that people support this issue, and we don’t think Florida is any different.” [Read more at WUFT]

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