By MjInvest Editor in Chief on Thursday, 16 May 2024
Category: Cannabis Business Executive

From Stay-at-Home Parents to Breadwinners to Students, Cannabis is Normal

By Derek Ross, CEO, Nova Farms

Once stigmatized and relegated to the fringes of society, cannabis has emerged from the shadows to become a mainstream topic, with legalization efforts gaining global momentum. This shift in attitude towards cannabis can be attributed to a multitude of factors, including evolving cultural norms, changing perceptions of its medicinal properties, its role in wellness and harm reduction, and the economic opportunities it presents.

As cannabis leaders and advocates, we have to help convince naysayers and give rise to a landscape where cannabis integration into mainstream culture is not only acceptable but celebrated. Although the negative stigma surrounding cannabis should have dissipated by now, there is still a sincere need for normalization, especially in geographies without legal accessibility. As cannabis leaders, we have some hand in the responsibility of widespread normalization, and sometimes, that requires seeking out anecdotes that aid in contextualization, acceptance, and the overall goal of federal legalization with less rigorous regulation.

The Stay-at-Home Parent

Most often, the image of a stay-at-home parent conjures up notions of domesticity and traditionally maternal responsibilities. However, many stay-at-home parents have embraced cannabis as a means of relaxation and stress relief. The demands of childcare and household management can be overwhelming, leading many caregivers to seek solace in cannabis products. For some, cannabis offers a respite from the constant demands of parenthood, allowing them to unwind and rejuvenate without the intoxicating effects of traditional anti-anxiety medications and methods like benzos and alcohol.

Take Chris, a stay-at-home dad of two young children. Between juggling school drop-offs, meal preparation, and playdates, Chris often finds himself feeling overwhelmed and anxious. However, since incorporating THC edibles into his daily routine, he has noticed a significant reduction in his stress levels and an improvement in his overall well-being.

“Cannabis has become my secret weapon for keeping my head above water in fatherhood,” Chris said. “I often found myself disassociating and just surviving day-to-day, but now I actually get on the floor and play with dolls with my daughters. My anxiety has significantly improved, and my family is overall happier.”

Unfortunately, Chris lives in a prohibitionist state.

“The only downside is that I could lose my children from partaking,” he said. “It’s insane that I can go to any other state in three directions and buy and use cannabis completely legally–it’s not even available medically here. Drinking alcohol is glorified a lot of times in mom groups and online parenting circles, but alcohol is much more dangerous and I don’t feel comfortable drinking while my children are in my care.”

Losing custody of one’s children due to cannabis use represents a profound injustice. Such punitive measures disproportionately impact marginalized communities and perpetuate systemic inequalities. The punishment almost always outweighs the perceived harm, exacerbating social disparities and undermining familial bonds, creating cycles of trauma and oppression.

The Breadwinner

In today’s fast-paced world, the pressure to succeed in the workplace can be immense. Whether climbing the corporate ladder or running a small business, the demands of being the primary breadwinner can take a toll on one’s mental and physical health. As a result, many individuals are turning to cannabis as a means of coping with the stresses of professional life.

Consider Rebecca, a successful entrepreneur who oversees a thriving family owned and operated HVAC company. Despite her outward success and desirable societal status, Rebecca often grapples with anxiety and insomnia, making it difficult for her to unwind after a long day at the office. However, since incorporating cannabis into her nightly routine, she has experienced a newfound sense of calm and relaxation. Cannabis has not only helped her manage her anxiety but has also improved her quality of sleep, allowing her to wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day ahead.

“A couple of bowls in the evening really help me relax and a quick wake-and-bake joint in the morning improves my productivity, focus, and overall job performance,” Becky said. “I really think it helps make me a better boss, a more engaging customer representative, and it provides relief from any physical discomfort I may be having.”

Cannabis can help contribute to overall work-life balance, enabling the breadwinner to fulfill family responsibilities while prioritizing self-care and wellness.

The Student

For college students, the strains of academic life can be daunting. In fact, stress is among the top reasons that college students drop out. From looming deadlines to the social pressures of campus life, students are constantly under pressure. In recent years, cannabis use among college students has become increasingly prevalent, with many turning to marijuana as a means of coping with the rigors of academic life.

Take Emily, a college sophomore studying engineering at a prestigious university. Between her demanding course load and extracurricular activities, Emily often feels overwhelmed and burnt out. However, since experimenting with THC-infused vapes, she has noticed a significant improvement in her mood and productivity. Cannabis has become her go-to remedy for combating stress and enhancing her focus during late-night study sessions.

“I was never a partier in high school, and I wouldn’t consider myself a partier now,” said Emily. “I was having panic attacks and I tried a vape and instantly felt relief. I’m more creative and organized since I’ve started using THC.”

For age-appropriate students, cannabis can provide a recreational outlet, promoting socialization and relaxation during leisure time. Though, responsible use is key and it’s important to prioritize health and well-being along with being aware of any potential risks associated with use, particularly legal and educational risks while on campus and other college settings.

Normalization for a Better Society

Overall, the normalization of cannabis has had a profound impact on individuals from all walks of life. From stay-at-home parents seeking stress relief to breadwinners striving for work-life balance, cannabis has emerged as a versatile tool for enhancing well-being and productivity. As attitudes towards cannabis continue to evolve, it is clear that its potential benefits extend far beyond the realm of recreational use, offering a promising avenue for holistic wellness and self-improvement.

Legal, accessible cannabis benefits all of society by fostering a safer and more regulated market, reducing criminal activity associated with the illicit drug trade. It generates substantial tax revenue, funding essential public services like education and healthcare. In fact, cannabis normalization promotes social equity by addressing disparities in drug enforcement and offering economic opportunities, particularly for marginalized communities. By destigmatizing cannabis use, society embraces a more compassionate approach to public health, prioritizing harm reduction and individual autonomy. Also, legal access to cannabis encourages innovation in medical research, unlocking its full therapeutic potential for a broader range of health conditions. Normalizing cannabis transcends mere legalization–it signifies a transformative shift towards a more enlightened approach to governance, health, and human rights. As we continue to advocate for normalization, we pave the way for a brighter and more equitable future for all.

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(Originally posted by Derek Ross)

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