Maryland, a bit behind its neighbors D.C. and Virginia, is finally taking on the question of legalizing recreational marijuana this fall.
When Marylanders head to the polls (or drop-boxes) in November, they will be asked to approve or reject legislation allowing adults 21 and over to possess, use, or grow small amounts of marijuana. If passed, the referendum would open the door to the creation of a taxed and regulated recreational marijuana industry in the state. (Medical marijuana has been around for eight years in Maryland).
Legalization of marijuana enjoys support across voters and lawmakers, but some state leaders say the measure set to go into effect if approved by voters leaves a number of issues unresolved, especially when it comes to ensuring communities most harmed by marijuana’s criminalization can benefit from its legalization. The bill, which if approved would legalize possession and allow for expunged records, provides a framework for setting up a recreation marijuana industry. It would require further action from lawmakers to tackle important details, like how the new industry would be regulated and taxed, and how the state will issue licenses for growing and selling in a way that ensures racial equity.
Here’s what you need to know about how Maryland got a ballot referendum at all, and where the future of weed could go in the state.
[Read more at DCist]The post Legalizing Marijuana Is On Maryland’s Ballot This Fall. Here’s What You Need To Know appeared first on Cannabis Business Executive - Cannabis and Marijuana industry news.