By MjInvest Editor in Chief on Wednesday, 12 June 2024
Category: Cannabis Business Executive

N.Y. cannabis board formally adopts final homegrown rules

New York

N.Y. cannabis board formally adopts final homegrown rules

The state Cannabis Control Board formally adopted rules on Tuesday that will allow anyone 21 or older to cultivate their own marijuana plants at home.

The proposed regulations were approved preliminarily in February but had been subject to a 60-day public comment period that did not begin until late March. The regulations will take effect once they are published in the state register, which could take a few weeks.

Retail marijuana store owners and operators will also be allowed to sell starter plants to customers.

But the delays in allowing homegrown marijuana — more than three years after cannabis was legalized in New York — sets up a tight timeline for individuals to legally grow their own plants this year. The rules allow someone to have up to six marijuana plants with three mature and three immature. An immature plant is one that does not have visible flowers or buds.

The regulations indicate someone could grow pot on their property or in their residence. For outdoor growers, experts say June 20 — which marks the summer solstice and the longest day of the year — is generally the cut-off point for growing marijuana plants under the sun.

[Read more at Times Union]
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(Originally posted by AggregatedNews)

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